New Day(s)
It’s appropriate that I’m typing this at (as of this place in the sentence) exactly 12:01AM. If you’ve been to this site before, you may be wondering where some of the posts are*. The short answer is, they’re elsewhere for now.
I’m repositioning this site to feature a regular series of lively, opinionated posts on fiction writing in specific and creativity in general. These will be adapted from lectures I’ve done for UCLA Extension and in my Westport Writers’ Workshop classes, as well as “phantom lectures” that have, until now, existed only inside my cold, bald skull. I want these posts to be of use to fiction writers — I’ve taught a lot of different students in a lot of workshops over the last two-and-a-half years — but also, perhaps, to anyone interested in applying creativity to their lives. Nearly any job you can think of either requires creativity, or would sure as hell benefit from it.
I still love writing about music, books, and quality television, and will soon be announcing a new Tumblr devoted to those things. You can also still follow me on Twitter at @Debenham, though I’ll be removing that feed from this site in an effort to keep it looking somewhat classy around here. Nothing worse than going to someone’s site and seeing some drunken 2AM Twitter update blaring from the top of the page: “@ballsface you wer fukin crazy 2nite! LOL!” (P.S., I wrote that knowing full well there must be an actual @ballsface on Twitter. I’m scared to look, but the odds are pretty overwhelming, right?)
So: Onward and upward. New posts twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Thanks for being here!
Hugs & kisses,
* If you haven’t been here before, then you won’t have missed any of the old posts, and this post will simply look like a cleverly disguised version of the most common blog post in the world, the “I sure haven’t posted in a long time!” post.